Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Respect the Breast!

I dont understand why breast feeding is a big controversal fight nowadays.  Breasts are made for feeding thier young.  Humans are the only ones to use bottles.  I wanted to write this post in regards to my public feeding last week. 

I was out shopping with my Mom and my Sister at JcPenney last week.  I exclusively feed my 3 month old daughter and have from birth.  We were fine shopping for the few hours we were out and my Sister's Daughter got hungry.  My Sister made her a bottle and everything was fine and dandy.  No one looked at her weird.  No one stared at her in disbelief that she was giving her Daughter a plastic breast filled with artificial milk that has ingredient like hydrochiloride, pyridoxine hydrochloride, monophosphate, disodium guanosine and palmitate just to name a few.  Now for reference, I didnt look up what these things are, but Im pretty sure my breast don't make these items and inject it into my baby. 

We were done and I was standing in line at the checkout.  Macy started getting a little fussy.  I grabbed her receiving blanket, tucked it in the neck of my shirt, lifted my shirt on one side and placed Macy under it so she could grab a bite to eat.  My Mom walked up to me and said "Why don't you wear a button up shirt so your back isnt hangin out?"  I didn't respond but really?  Is a bare back really that offensive?  I see teenage girls with huge breasts with cleavage spilling out of their shirts.  I think that's offensive.  I continued to feed Macy.  Mom then said 'The older gentleman is looking at you.  Im waiting for him to say something."  I responded "Let him say something."  Fortunate for him, he kept his mouth shut but his eyes kept wondering.  I wonder if he was trying to get a sneak peek of the show or thought me feeding my Daughter in public, covered, was offensive. 

My very good friend was in Wal-Mart feeding her Daughter at the check-out and was not greeted in a pleasant manner by the clerk.  Apparently, the clerk was very rude and rushed through her order. 

Why is society so ashamed of Breast feeding?  Is it the fact that breast now have been forseen as sex objects and people can't destinguish between a feeding and a sexual playground? 

What are your thoughts on breastfeeding in public?  Give me the good, the bad and the ugly. I want the honest truth.

Macy eatting :)


  1. I have no problem with it at all - I think it's perfectly natural!

  2. Ppl have a problem with it cause they didn't have the guts to do it in public or because they didn't breastfeed so they think its ok to stare at other ppl.. I think its perfectly natural and as a mother of three beautiful way to bond with ur child
