Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's hard to argue with the government. Remember, they run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, so they must know a thing or two about satisfying women.

Im on a mission.  That's right, with all the spare time that I have I'm going to change a Government program.  I'm not sure what you receive State by State in the WIC program but here in Indiana I have a concern. 

Let me start by saying, I plan on making my Daughter's own baby food.  I truely hope by the time she is eatting food a lot that we will be back on our feet and be able to provide for our family like years past. 

In the Indiana WIC program it offers multiple amounts of jarred baby food depending on when you are starting solids.  For a Women like me, exclusively breastfeeding, I will be offered the jar food when Macy is six months of age. 

The issue I am having is I don't want my Daughter to eat jar food.  Now, I have nothing against jar food and have used it in the past on my other children and they turned out fine.  This time around, I'm doing things differently.  I'm not following any rules or books with my Daughter. 

I emailed personnel on the availability to switch jar food to fresh fruits and veggies and I was denied that request.  I think if more people were educated on making thier own baby food and given that choice they would be willing to atleast try the procedure. 

Making your own baby food is just as easy as cooking a meal for your family.  You may make a bunch and freeze the left overs for up to one month.  You may use ice cube trays to freeze into 2 ounce or 4 ounce feedings, unfreeze in the microwave and serve to your infant. 

The pros and cons of this would be cost effective.  A parent would be more in tune with what is going into their child's mouths and I think this is great bonding time in prepping the food and having a hand in making it.  The downside is it takes up freezer space, doesn't travel well and you need equipment to make the food.  Such as a steamer, food processor, blender...etc etc.  Which some of these items may get expensive. 

In conclusion, I plan to, in the weeks ahead try to pursuade the Indiana Government to at least offer some new items on the WIC coupons and educate women in making thier own baby food as much as they offer and encourage breast feeding. 

If you are willing to stand behind me, please comment below.  Thank you in advance for all of your support.

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